IN ITALY is the official Save My Bag wholesale distributor in New Zealand.

Email us at or call 027 30 48 325 for look-book and info.

Save My Bag revolutions began in 2013 in Bergamo, Italy.

It all started with an idea of the founders Stefano and Valentina Agazzi, two young exuberant entrepreneurs with the desire to bring a fresh touch to the fashion world. Stefano, born in Bergamo, has an artistic mastermind with a business-wise charisma; Valentina, who is half-Thai and half-Italian, has an international taste and experience in luxury goods management.

Their fusion was the trigger that made Save My Bag explode.

Save My Bag, with its wide range of 100% Made in Italy handbags and accessories, has been able to conquer the hearts of fashionistas worldwide.

The brand is distributed in 40 countries, 23 flagship stores and in more than 1,500 selected boutiques throughout the world, in all the major capital cities and in the most exclusive destinations.


Innovation is in the DNA of the brand just as creativity is in its soul. Save My Bag enjoys creating new products and finding new ideas. The key to success of the Italian brand is its innovative Poly-Fabric with Lycra ® material.

Poly-Fabric with Lycra ® is our patented material: a super soft blend that is even lighter than neoprene. Chic and cruelty free, resilient and refined. A washable and elastic fabric that adapts to everyday needs with great versatility.

In fact, the brand blends lightness and resistance to give you a chic, light, durable and trend-setting product.